Thursday, February 15, 2018

Two's Company

I recently finished this wonderful book by Suzanne Somers. She's written a book of poetry, books about herself, books about wellness, and this one was more focused on business. It was really what I needed to read currently with where I am at in my own work-life. She writes about always bouncing back from business and health hits, her working relationship (as well as personal one) with her husband Alan, and much more.

One of my favorite entries in the book is actually one by her husband who writes that when he makes a business deal his goal is that everyone involved feels like they have won the lottery. I love that attitude to go into each and every business deal with.

And chapter 20 entitled "Knockout"... let's just say that chapter will scare the you know what out of you. Read it. Educate yourself.

Great book! I appreciate Suzanne's honesty. You can hear her voice as you read the book. I highly recommended picking up a copy of this!

From the days of Three's Company to now I have followed her career. She is brilliant! She is talented! She is courageous!