Friday, September 8, 2017

Times Are Changing...

As a Cancer Sun Sign... I don't do well with changes.
One of my long time Full Management Speaker/Author clients has decided to “semi retire” so he has decided to cut his hours due to less work he’ll be accepting from now on.
Therefore, I have an opening for a full management client starting October 1. I am VERY picky about these rare openings as it really does have to be a good match for optimal success. Also due to the fact that full management work takes more time than I am compensated for (due to my own insane diligence and work ethic) I need to start working more intelligently with my time as it is beginning to affect many areas of my life negatively.
For that reason, some of this time I have becoming available will also be spent on increased consulting clients and teaching more essential oils classes. 
I am staying positive that I can make this work. 
I can start to improve the areas of my life that need improvement. 
Start living that OolaLife.
The fog from the above photo will lift.
If any of you know a speaker, author, entrepreneur, athlete, or other public figure / celebrity who could use my management and / or preferably consulting services I would greatly APPRECIATE the referral. Also if anyone is interested in hosting an essential oils class, I would LOVE to teach more and more classes. I can teach 101 basic oil classes (like the one I did this past Saturday), classes about oils for pets, oils for babies / children, using oils for a toxic free home, and much more! These classes do not have to be done in person; if we live in different locations, let’s schedule a fun virtual one!
Thank you so much for reading my blog! THANK YOU so much for your love and support!
Website for more info! 

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

"Value Yourself to Master Yourself"

Lots of thoughts today.
I cried at Target. Things have been stressful today. This month. Last month. This year.
I am still working on Elena Brower's YogaGlo classes for Self Care for Women. Great timing on that.
Recently Elena's brilliance has brought me reminders such as "value yourself to master yourself" and she taught me what substantiate means.
I have also learned I need to look at how my time is spent. Having people ask me to resend client bios and head shots, clients asking me to resend radio show details, following up on things I have asked people for numerous times... not the best use of my time. My what feels like limited time lately.
The dog in that picture above - my Hennessy... I am so grateful for her in my life. She is love, she is fun, she is smiles, she is everything in one cute package!
Another quick lesson from today - you never know the impact you might have on others. After crying at Target, my husband asks me if I want to grab a snack at Starbucks. Well there is a Starbucks inside Target and one the same shopping center; I said it didn't matter that one of the ones right where we were would be fine but he decided let's go to our usual hangout one. Well that was the perfect choice. One of the baristas who I feel makes the most magical beverage who I haven't seen in a while was working. Since she started another job she only works every once in a while so it was a rarity to see her there today... and she made my hot chocolate. She was a bright light in my day - and all she was - was awesome authentic self.
Let's all look at how to value ourselves in order to master ourselves and remember that just being ourselves we can bring brightness and blessings into the days of others... sometimes without even realizing it.