Sunday, July 16, 2017

Oola for Women - Day 4 - 21 Day Challenge

Today's #OolaforWomen Challenge is to acknowledge and appreciate a stay-at-home mom. I would like to acknowledge one of my dearest friends Kathy. I have known her since the second grade. And although know she lives on the East Coast and me on the West, I still have the same huge love and appreciation for her that I always have. She is an amazing friend - one of the best I have had / have in my life. Sadly, since I live across the country I have never had the opportunity to meet her two children but I follow her life on Facebook (of course) and get to see pictures of them, of her, her husband, parents, etc. I see how hard she works, how much she cares for her children, all the while continuing to keep up with friends, chores, errands, and all the often crazy stuff life throws at us. I am going to be honest here.... I can barely (and on some days don't) keep up with my work, house stuff, dog, husband, etc. I do NOT know how someone like Kathy does it when you add two children to the mix. Wow! I am in awe! Kathy, I acknowledge and appreciate you for who you are and all you do!

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